Start-up AdaptX is a breath of fresh air in the Belgian consultancy landscape

Kontich, October 2023 – AdaptX delivers consultancy services in a world where the boundaries between business and digital are becoming increasingly blurred. As a local partner for companies in Belgium, it provides an answer to the missing link between strategy and execution. Its multidisciplinary consultants combine strong business acumen with a pragmatic approach. Founders Willem Van der Meiren and Vincent Stoefs aim to achieve a turnover of 7 million euros by the end of 2026.

‘The market is looking for consultants who can translate a digital strategy into practice,’ says Willem Van der Meiren. ‘With their experience in a wide range of sectors, our consultants understand the challenges involved. They think along with clients, question things, give advice and roll up their sleeves to realise this strategy. A powerful combination that helps us make the difference.’

‘The gap between idea and implementation is real,’ co-founder Vincent Stoefs adds. ‘A lot of the time, the bridging of it is underestimated. Even when there is a roadmap available, there is often a missing link making it hard for it to be implemented and land in the organisation.’

Agility is essential

According to the founders, the name, AdaptX, underlines how important agility is to them. ‘It’s our biggest strength,’ says Willem Van der Meiren. ‘The world is changing continuously just like the expectations and needs of end clients. The ability to respond quickly and adapt as and when needed is essential.’
Vincent Stoefs adds: ‘During your digitalization journey it’s important to make sure that the roadmap continues to be relevant throughout the process. Do the planned products, services or projects still fit the changing reality? Do they still generate the targeted added value?’

Empathic, multidisciplinary consultants

Vincent Stoefs: ‘Our consultants take clients by the hand and guide them over the mountain, as it were. Along this journey, we set up best practices together with the teams, enabling so our clients to climb the next mountain more easily themselves.’
‘Our consultants ensure that the change takes root and thrives within the organisation and among the stakeholders,’ says Willem Van der Meiren. ‘They help all those involved see why these projects are important and how they contribute to the business objectives.’
AdaptX reaches out to consultants who aren’t afraid to wear different hats throughout the course of a project,’ says Willem Van der Meiren. ‘Interpersonal skills, like empathy and the ability to listen carefully, are essential.’

Local partner

‘Numerous takeovers have created huge anonymous entities in the Belgian consultancy world,’ says Willem Van der Meiren. ‘We provide an alternative to this. With AdaptX, we want to be a local, pragmatic partner for organizations and a people-centric company.’
Together with its consultants, AdaptX is creating a new story in business consultancy. ‘We provide an environment with a horizontal structure with a focus on ownership; a platform where consultants can put forward their ideas which they actually put into practice’ continues Vincent Stoefs.
Willem Van der Meiren: ‘Our goal is to form a close-knit community. Besides projects at customer sites, we make sure that we collectively do everything we can to help the company grow. For instance, we devise new offerings and solutions together. We tackle topics like business development, recruitment or coaching as a team.’

The founders met in the consultancy world and had worked together before. Willem Van der Meiren combines a financial and commercial background with various managerial roles in the consultancy world. Vincent Stoefs specialised as a consultant in digital strategy supporting clients with roadmap definition and implementation. Their combined expertise and experience makes this a strong complementary partnership.
The new start-up strengthens the Kontich-based Gumption group. Managing partner Bart Embrechts of Gumption: ‘AdaptX is a valuable addition to our ecosystem. Gumption actively promotes the co-creation strategy among its companies. This means that they regularly join forces to carry out client digitalization projects. For AdaptX, there are logical links within the group with software testing specialist Brightest, business intelligence expert Bmatix and SAP implementation partner TheValueChain, among others.’

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About Gumption

Founded in 2012, Gumption combines digital-inspired entrepreneurs from +20 companies into one ecosystem for innovation and growth. As an entrepreneurial platform, Gumption unburdens entrepreneurs with financial, strategic and operational support. As an ecosystem, Gumption guides customers in digital transformation based on co-creation. It connects expertise in business process optimisation and automation, digital infrastructure, brand and customer experience and data-driven organisation. Gumption has +800 employees and 8 offices in the Benelux.


Willem Van der Meiren
 +32 497 59 72 39

Vincent Stoefs
+32 479 50 94 07