On its mission to revolutionize the real estate industry in Belgium and Luxembourg, BrickSquare’s rapid growth posed many challenges: managing backlog, prioritizing initiatives, and aligning strategies with the company’s vision. They devised a balanced plan, prioritizing customer-centricity and operational excellence. The outcome? A realistic roadmap that balances quick wins with long-term strategic initiatives.
In 2023, BrickSquare was founded to reinvent the Belgian and Luxembourg real estate industry. Their mission is simple: helping property owners sell their house efficiently, and at the best price. In other words, proposing the best services of the real estate industry, for 2 to 3 times cheaper than the competitors.
Harry Alexandre Chkolar, Rodolphe De Blieck and Francois Devillez
The challenge
Since the business model and the viability of BrickSquare are based on the volume of their transactions, they needed to put in place processes and automation while continually providing the same top experience to each customer. Even if the start was a big success and BrickSquare is growing exponentially, they were confronted with:
- A huge backlog and long to-do lists in various departments, and the challenge of establishing a cross-department, companywide plan with actionable initiatives.
- The necessity to invest the right resources (time, people, budget) in the key initiatives with the most added value.
- A need for focus and a sparring partner to ensure that their strategy and underlying roadmap answer the company’s vision and mission, whether it’s on customer satisfaction or operation excellence.
The approach
AdaptX brought their expertise and experience to facilitate and co-create an actionable roadmap made up of several projects to support the realization of the strategy. Through a pragmatic approach, customized to the specific context of BrickSquare and based on a holistic and transversal framework putting the end-customer at the center of the transformation, AdaptX proposed an answer to the 3 main challenges mentioned above.
After analysing their current situation (from a client and an internal perspective) and ongoing projects, we co-created through several work sessions a well-balanced plan between operational excellence and customer focus to evolve toward the target situation, in line with the company’s vision. The roadmap has been co-created with all relevant people, bringing the different aspects from several departments together to have a complete, transversal, and supported project portfolio. The initiatives and projects are prioritized based on added value and available resources while keeping their financial viability in mind and planned over the coming years.
The results
The result is a clear, realistic roadmap with the proper equilibrium between short-term/quick wins and long-term strategic initiatives, by putting the right focus on the right projects, allowing BrickSquare to continue its exponential growth trajectory while enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Join the journey
Does your company or department have many (too many) ongoing projects? Is setting the right priorities, in line with your strategy, challenging? Would you benefit from a sounding board or a sparring partner to question choices? Contact AdaptX at info@adaptx.be to embark on a transformative journey towards strategic alignment and sustainable growth.